Employee Insurance - Best in Atascadero, CA - Hedges Insurance

Employer Benefits

Your employees are your most valuable asset. Make sure they are protected.

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Highly Qualified Group Benefits Professionals

Hedges Insurance Services, LLC is a leader in the Small and Large group insurance benefits field. With over 30 years of experience, we specialize in making your employee health benefits package affordable. We offer a number of carriers and are well versed in the changing laws and rules in regards to Employer Sponsored Benefits.

Our service not only includes the usual, health, dental, vision, group life benefits but also a free service to you where you have access to Human Resource protection that includes HR handbooks personalized for your business, COBRA administration and more.

Rules that take effect in accordance with
the ACA (Affordable Care Act):

  • Starting on January 1, 2015, employers with 100 or more full-time (or full-time equivalent) employees that do not offer health insurance to their full-time employees (and dependents), or that offer coverage that is not affordable or that does not provide minimum value, may be required to pay an assessment if at least one of their full-time employees receives a premium tax credit to purchase coverage in the new individual Marketplace.
  • Employers with at least 50 but fewer than 100 full-time or full-time equivalent employees will generally have an additional year, until 2016, before these rules apply.
  • Businesses with fewer than 50 employees are generally not affected by the Employer Shared Responsibility rules
  • If You are an employer with more than 50 Employees the following penalty will apply if Medical Benefits are not offered. A fee of $2,000 per full-time employee, excluding the first 30 employees, on employers with more than 50 employees that do not offer coverage and have at least one full-time employee who receives a premium tax credit. Employers with more than 50 employees that offer coverage but have at least one full-time employee receiving a premium tax credit, will pay the lesser of $3,000 for each employee receiving a premium credit or $2,000 for each full-time employee, excluding the first 30 employees.
  • Applicable large employers (50 or more full-time equivalents) must report to the IRS information about the health care coverage, if any, they offered to full-time employees. The IRS will use this information to administer the employer shared responsibility provisions and the premium tax credit.


Hedges Insurance Services specializes in Medical, Dental, Life and Vision benefits for your business. We work with many carriers including: