Everyone relies on a paycheck to provide for them, but what happens when that paycheck stops due to a disability? Mortgage, rent, or car payments don’t go away. Disability insurance is designed to protect those who experience a disability that prevents them from performing their job’s core responsibilities. Most people don’t have months of savings to back them up. So rather than use retirement savings early, you can rely on disability insurance to help you cover those large monthly payments.
Provides only protection and flexible premiums for a specific period of time, during which, if you die, your beneficiaries will be awarded a benefit. People usually opt for term life insurance until they reach a point where they consider it “safe” to withdraw, such as when their home is paid off or their children graduate from college.
Provides lifelong protection to beneficiaries and is priced for you to keep over a long period of time. This type of insurance acquires cash value, and the premiums are usually fixed.